6 Lifestyle Habits That Can Cause Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry eye affects nearly 16 million Americans. It can be a frustrating condition that results in discomfort and symptoms like burning, stinging, and scratchiness. When there is a problem with tear production or stability, dry eye develops, making it challenging to keep the eyes lubricated.


Besides being a complication of other medical conditions, dry eye can stem from certain lifestyle choices. An eye exam will help identify the cause of your condition. Your eye doctor will ask questions about your lifestyle as part of the exam to better understand the root of your symptoms. The results of your eye exam may lead the doctor to suggest modifying your lifestyle to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes. The following lifestyle choices could cause dry eyes:


Not Blinking Enough


Blinking is an essential part of preserving eye health. It aids in spreading the tear film over the eye’s surface, keeping it protected and hydrated. However, if you spend lots of time in front of a screen, you might not blink as often as you should, resulting in dry eye symptoms. Furthermore, stressed or anxious people may blink less frequently, exacerbating dry eye symptoms.


Spending Too Much Time in Front of Screens


The average person spends several hours a day using screens, including computers, televisions, and smartphones. Eye strain from this prolonged blue light exposure may cause dry eye symptoms.


Blue light emitted from screens can be particularly harmful to the eyes because of its high energy wavelength and capacity to penetrate the eye deeply. That could damage the retina and cause various eye conditions, including dry eye syndrome.


Living in a Dry Climate


A dry climate can be bad for your eyes because the dry air can dehydrate them. That can cause symptoms of dry eyes besides raising the risk of other eye conditions. A dry climate can also increase the likelihood of exposure to airborne pollutants like dust and wind. That can worsen dry eye symptoms.


Not Drinking Enough Water


You must stay hydrated to maintain good eye health. Dry eyes can result in symptoms like itching, burning, and redness, which can stem from dehydration. The three substances that make up the tear film that covers the eye’s surface—water, oil, and mucus—must be in proper balance to keep the eyes hydrated and healthy.




Experts link smoking to many health problems, including dry eye syndrome. The chemical components of tobacco smoke can inflame and harm tear glands, causing dry eye symptoms.


Air Conditioning, Fans, and Indoor Heating


Air conditioning, fans, and indoor heating can contribute to dry eye symptoms. They can dry out the air and evaporate eye moisture more quickly. That can result in a dry atmosphere inside your home or workplace.


To mitigate this issue, using a humidifier can be a valuable investment. Not only will it help alleviate dry eye symptoms, but it can also help keep sinuses moist during the winter. That will provide relief from symptoms.




It is essential to be aware of these behaviors and modify your lifestyle as needed. That will reduce your risk of experiencing the symptoms of dry eye. It is best to visit an eye doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be the source of your persistent symptoms.


For more on dry eye syndrome, visit Westchester Eye Care Center at our Los Angeles, California, office. Call (310) 670-1888 to schedule an appointment today.

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