Eyelid Lift With TempSure®: What to Expect

Skin droopiness and sagging are normal as you age. The phenomenon is due to the natural loss of collagen, the protein that keeps your skin elastic and smooth. Collagen loss causes your skin to have wrinkles and fine lines. They become more prominent as the years advance.

One area that is more prone to wrinkling is your eyelids and eyebrows. The area has thin skin, making the wrinkling more visible. There are ways to reduce wrinkling in these areas.

These include good skincare habits, lifestyle, and, in severe cases, surgery. With the advances in technology, you may not have to opt for surgery. There are minimally invasive ways of dealing with wrinkles. One of these ways is TempSure® at Westchester Eye Care Center.


What Is TempSure?

It is a minimally invasive way of addressing puffy and sagging skin. You can use it on your face, eyelids, eyebrows, thighs, and anywhere you have sagging skin. It has no downtime and scarring, unlike traditional surgery. TempSure uses a heating device that emits radiofrequency waves. These waves are safe and do not cause damage to your skin or nerves.


How Does It Work?

The radio waves from the heating device reach deep into your skin. They trick your body into thinking that you have an injury. The body then produces growth factors to aid in healing and sends them to the area to build new collagen. The stimulation and production of collagen cause the skin in the area to become tighter, firmer, and with fewer wrinkles.

The heating technology is not revolutionary. However, it has been employed for different uses. What is extraordinary about TempSure is the device that delivers the radio waves to your skin. It uses a temperature higher than other devices.

However, it stimulates your nerves much less. Therefore, it is faster and more effective than other devices. You will start to notice visible improvements after four to six weeks.


What to Expect During Treatment

Facial treatments last for about 20 to 60 minutes. In the case of the eyelids, they will take 20 to 30 minutes because of the skin sensitivity. The treatments are relaxing and feel like a spa massage.

Specific gadgets fit over the eye and emit radio waves, heating the skin in this area. The treatment must reach a certain therapeutic level. Here, it stimulates fibroblasts that produce more collagen. The production of collagen improves skin thickness, reducing creases and preventing the development of wrinkles.


What to Expect From the Results

Individual results will vary since the growth of new collagen can take time. However, you can expect to see results after three to five treatments. At that stage, there is enough collagen buildup to tighten your skin and make it look youthful.

You may experience some redness after the procedure, but it is not a cause of concern. It results from the high temperatures the device emits. It will subside after some time.


Benefits of TempSure

Surgical eyelid lifts are permanent, but TempSure is not. You will need more treatments to maintain the results. If you continue with your treatments, the results will remain. You do not have to sacrifice any downtime with healing. You can immediately get back to your daily activities after treatment.

For more information on eyelid lifts with TempSure, visit Westchester Eye Care Center at our office in Los Angeles, California. You can call (310) 670-1888 today to schedule an appointment.

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