TempSure Envi Skin Tightening

TempSure® Envi Skin Tightening


As the body ages, our skin loses the ability to produce collagen quickly. It results in the development of fine lines and wrinkles. TempSure® Envi is a laser treatment that is safe and non-invasive. The treatment employs radiofrequency energy to tighten or firm up loose skin. The procedure works on both the body as well as the face. It helps reduce fine lines and facial wrinkles, and it can also lessen cellulite appearance. 


TempSure® Envi Treatment


TempSure® Envi is a safe and effective skin tightening treatment. It can reduce lines that develop on the skin without using surgery. The treatment is ideal for all skin types and different sun exposure levels. 


This makes it a great beauty maintenance regimen for anyone. A facial treatment can take between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the extent of the area receiving treatment. Results of the treatment may vary from one individual to the next.


How TempSure® Envi Works


The aging process causes the body to lose its ability to produce collagen quickly. This results in an aged appearance characterized by the development of fine lines and wrinkles. TempSure® Envi works by gently delivering radiofrequency heat to the skin, increasing the skin's temperature for a while. 


The heat helps trigger the natural body reaction for producing new collagen. The new collagen is dense and tight, resulting in radiant and youthful-looking skin. 


During the Procedure


During your session with a skin specialist, the provider will talk about your treatment goals. It helps in creating a treatment plan for you. During the procedure, the patient will experience a warm, gentle sensation on the target areas. 


Treatment on other body parts will also include a gentle massage around the affected area. The skin will be slightly red after the procedure. However, this usually subsides quickly. There is no downtime required after the treatment.


Candidates for TempSure® Envi


TempSure® Envi is ideal for every type of skin, which means that most people can be good candidates for the treatment. The treatment is for patients with skin laxity issues or loose skin, fine lines, cellulite, and wrinkles. 


The laser treatment is best for treating small and delicate skin areas, like the face. People who have smile lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet are good candidates for the treatment. Anyone who wants great-looking skin can benefit from TempSure Envi.


Expected Results of TempSure® Envi


The outcome will vary between individuals based on the condition of the skin. The new collagen may take time to form. For this reason, optimal results are evident weeks or months after treatment. 


To get optimal results, one needs to go through several treatments. Ideally, patients require three to five treatments at four-week intervals. It helps make the best use of the process of rebuilding collagen. 


TempSure® Envi treatment is quick and painless, and it produces instant results. It is comfortable, and most patients report experiencing a pleasant sensation. There is no downtime, which means you can get back to work soon after treatment. 


For more on TempSure® Envi, visit Westchester Eye Care Center at our office in Los Angeles, California. You can call (310) 670-1888 today to schedule an appointment.

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